Ko, Chun-Hsien (柯俊先)
Chun-Hsien Ko received the BS and Ph.D. degrees in communications engineering from National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 2010 and 2020, respectively. His research interests include indoor channel modeling and positioning, distributed computing, and machine learning. Dr. Ko has been honored with several awards, notably the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Green Communications and Networking Conference (GreenCom) in 2013, the Second Prize in AIoT Innovation Contest at 2021 Mobileheroes, and the Second Prize in Energy Saving Innovation Contest at 2024 Mobileheroes, Taiwan.
Journal Reviewer:
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
- IEEE Access
- Plos One
Contact Information:
Email: junxian.ke@gmail.com, Office: Lab 711, Engineering Building IV, NYCU (HsinChu)
Web Sites (in Chinese):
- [B5G/6G] https://note-on-clouds.blogspot.com/
- [OpenWRT SDN] https://openwrt-nctu.gitbook.io/project/
- Chun-Hsien Ko and Sau-Hsuan Wu, “A Framework for Proactive Indoor Positioning in Densely Deployed WiFi Networks,” in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 1-15, 1 Jan. 2022.
- Sau-Hsuan Wu, Chun-Hsien Ko, and Hsi-Lu Chao, "On-Demand Coordinated Spectrum and Resource Provisioning Under an Open C-RAN Architecture for Dense Small Cell Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 673-688, Jan. 2024.
- Ching-Lan Chen, Chun-Hsien Ko, Sau-Hsuan Wu, Heng-Shih Tseng, Ronald Y Chang, “Device-Free Target Following with Deep Spatial and Temporal Structures of CSI,” in Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2023.
- Sau-Hsuan Wu, Hsi-Lu Chao, Chun-Hsien Ko, Shang-Ru Mo, Chung-Ting Jiang, Tzung-Lin Li, Chung-Chieh Cheng, and Chiau-Feng Liang, “A Cloud Model and Concept Prototype for Cognitive Radio Networks,” in IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 4, pp.49–58, Aug. 2012.
- Chun-Hsien Ko, Sau-Hsuan Wu, Yu-An Chen, and Chih-Hsuan Tang, “Beamforming-Based Location Management under an O-RAN Architecture using Spark Streaming,” in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023.
- Yen-Chun Chang, Sau-Hsuan Wu, Li-Ming Tseng, Hsi-Lu Chao, and Chun-Hsien Ko, “AF Detection by Exploiting the Spectral and Temporal Characteristics of ECG Signals with the LSTM Model,” in Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), Maastricht, Netherlands, Sep. 2018.
- Chun-Hsien Ko and Sau-Hsuan Wu, "A Proactive Indoor Positioning System in Randomly Deployed Dense WiFi Networks," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Washington, DC, USA, 2016.
- Sau-Hsuan Wu, Hsi-Lu Chao, Chun-Hsien Ko, Shang-Ru Mo, Chung-Chieh Cheng, and Chiau-Feng Liang, “Green Spectrum Sharing in a Cloud-based Cognitive Radio Access Network,” in IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications and IEEE Internet of Things and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, Beijing, China, Aug. 2013. (Best Paper Award)
- Sau-Hsuan Wu, Hsi-Lu Chao, Chung-Ting Jiang, Shang-Ru Mo, Chun-Hsien Ko, Tzung-Lin Li, Chiau-Feng Liang, Chung-Chieh Cheng, "A conceptual model and prototype of Cognitive Radio Cloud Networks in TV White Spaces," in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops, Paris, France, 2012
- Chun-Hsien Ko, Din-Hwa Huang, and Sau-Hsuan Wu, “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in TV White Spaces: When Cognitive Radio Meets Cloud,” in IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, Shanghai, China, Apr. 2011.
Google Scholar page for the full publication list.
- Sau-Hsuan Wu, Din-Hwa Huang, and Chun-Hsien Ko, ”Cooperative spectrum sensing method and system for locationing primary transmitters in a cognitive radio system.”
- Sau-Hsuan Wu, Hsi-Lu Chao, Chun-Hsien Ko, Shang-Ru Mo, Chung-Ting Jiang, Tzung-Lin Li, Chung-Chieh Cheng, and Chiau-Feng Liang, ”Cognitive radio communicationsystem and operating method thereof.”
- Sau-Hsuan Wu and Chun-Hsien Ko, ”Radio system and operating method of the same.”
- Sau-Hsuan Wu, Hsi-Lu Chao, and Chun-Hsien Ko, ”Resource allocation server and communication system for cloud-based radio access network.”
- Sau-Hsuan Wu, Hsi-Lu Chao, and Chun-Hsien Ko, ”Access point and communication system for resource allocation.”
- MobileHeroes 通訊創新節能優化大賽 – 亞軍* (2024年11月)
- 5G Craft: 5G 系統軟體 – 卓越新秀獎 (首獎)* (2023年10月, *Presenter)
- 5G Craft: 5G 系統軟體 – 卓越新秀獎 (首獎) (2022年10月)
- MobileHeroes 聯網未來挑戰賽 – 亞軍* (2021年11月, *Presenter)
- MobileHeroes 聯網未來挑戰賽 – 仁寶企業特別獎* (2021年11月, *Presenter)
- MobileHeroes 聯網未來挑戰賽 – 高通企業特別獎* (2021年11月, *Presenter)
- 5G Craft: 5G 系統軟體 – 卓越新秀獎 (首獎) (2021年10月)
- 國家新創獎-學研新創獎 (2020年12月)
- 東元 GreenTech – 人文獎* (2013年8月, *Presenter)